1. Eye Care
The automatic instant shade off (aka toggle off) will irritate the human's vision.
Because of this, the Eye Care feature was implemented - it replaces the instant toggle with a gentle fade.
Please increase the fade duration if the shade off still irritates your vision.
2. Driving the shade via mouse
Driving the shade via mouse is an easy and natural way.
Open myPoint menu and move the shade sliders in All-screens and Per-screen shade sections until you get the best view.
Change the selection of the "Shade" checkbox to toggle the shade on and off.
3. Open the shade center
Any parameter of the shade can be changed from the shade center.
4. Driving the shade via keyboard
Sometimes it's appropriate to drive the shade via hotkeys, especially in heavy keyboard input.
So open the shade center and remember the following hotkeys.
A: Driving the shade level:
B: Driving the shade target.
In order to limit the amount of hotkeys, a so named Shade Target abstraction was introduced. In general: