About Coordinates
The coordinates display information about the current mouse position in menu bar extras or a flying panel.
The coordinates can be displayed in X : Y or Y : X formats.
The application respects five different origin points in coordinates' calculations.
The following picture shows the location of the basic four origin points in red circles.
The blue spot shows the custom origin - it can be placed anywhere.
Green arrows indicate the direction of increasing the coordinates.
Enabling and disabling Coordinates
The coordinates can be shown and hidden - click on the "Show coordinates" checkbox.
Customizing Coordinates
To change settings, please use myPoint menu, or open the Coords view from myPoint panel.
Restore defaults
Pressing this button will reset the coordinates' settings to default values.
Coordinates preferences
Show mouse coordinates
This option doubles the "Show coordinates" checkbox in myPoint menu.
Default is OFF.
Flying panel
Toggle coordinates in the flying panel.
Default is ON.
Menu bar
Toggle coordinates in menu bar extras.
Default is ON.
Improve preview in the menu bar.
Default is OFF.
The format to display coordinates: X-Y or Y-X.
Default value is X-Y.
Show raw data cut to the chosen value.
Default is 0.
Coordinates origin
Manages the origin point from which the coordinates are calculated.
Default value is left top.
Coordinates ruler
Enable coordinates ruler
Coordinates ruler is enabled when this checkbox is ON.
Default value is Off.
Hide coordinates
ON: only the ruler size will be shown in the flying panel when the ruler is active.
OFF: both the ruler size and mouse coordinates will be shown in the flying panel Default value is On.
This option regards only the flying panel.
The ruler size will always hide mouse location in the menu bar.
The ruler is shown as an adorner rectangle to visualize the measured frame.
The adorner is built in two colors: Outline and Fill.
Flying panel
Follow mouse
The panel can follow the mouse (aka Follow mouse mode), or it can stand aside (Stand aside mode)
Note: in Stand aside mode, you can drag the panel to any position on the screen.
Position relative to mouse
The preferred panel's position around the mouse pointer.
The actual position depends on mouse position according to screen borders. Default value is right top. This setting is applicable in Follow mouse mode.
When switch off Follow mouse
Keep current position - the panel will freeze at its position
Restore last position - the panel will restore its previous Stand aside position.
Offset from mouse
The distance between the mouse pointer and the closest panel corner.
This setting is applicable in Follow mouse mode.
Background and text colors
Selectable via the standard color panel.
The opacity value is also available - it reflects on the panel's transparency.
Font size
Adjusts the size of displayed coordinates. It impacts panel size too.
Toggle mouse coordinates
Hotkey combination to show and hide the coordinates.
Default value is ⌃⌥⌘ C.
Move mouse to...
Hotkey combination to open input panel to set precisely mouse position.
Default value is ⌃⌥⌘ X.
Move mouse to origin point
Hotkey combination to move the mouse cursor to the origin point.
Default value is ⇧⌃⌥⌘ X.
Set mouse location as custom origin
Hotkey combination to set current mouse position as a custom origin point.
Default value is ⌃⌥⌘ M.
Copy mouse location to clipboard
Hotkey combination to copy current mouse coordinates into the clipboard.
Default value is ⇧⌃⌥⌘ M.
Toggle follow mouse mode
Hotkey combination to switch the Flying panel in Follow mouse or Stand aside mode.
Default value is ⌃⌥⌘ F.
There are small buttons on the right side of the hotkey editors.
Click on them to simulate the related hotkey.