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How to open myPoint panel when myPoint is hidden

v1.1 & next
When myPoint icon is removed from the menu bar extras, myPoint panel can still be opened.
You can achieve this in two ways:
  • Relaunch myPoint (while it is already running in the background) from the Applications folder.
  • Use "Open myPoint panel" hotkey in General preferences.
    (default combination is Control + Option + Command + P).

How to return myPoint icon in menu bar extras

v1.1 & next
You can achieve this in two ways:
  • Open myPoint panel and select "Show myPoint icon in menu bar extras" checkbox in General preferences view.
  • Use "Toggle icon visibility" hotkey in General preferences.
    (default combination is Shift + Control + Option + Command + Space).

How to remove myPoint icon from the menu bar extras

v1.1 & next
myPoint is able to hide its icon in menu bar extras. The picture below shows the effect of this feature:
You can achieve this in two ways:
  • Deselect the "Show myPoint icon in menu bar extras" checkbox in General preferences.
  • Use "Toggle icon visibility" hotkey in General preferences.
Safety note:
Please write down this hotkey before you hide the icon (default: ⇧⌃⌥⌘ Space).
If the icon is hidden and the hotkey is forgotten, please relaunch the app (while it is already running in the background) to open preferences panel.

Disabled buttons in system pop ups

All versions
The "disabled buttons" issue is a new feature introduced with macOS Catalina. It is available in the latest macOS too.
A permission-requesting pop-up (window, panel, etc.) must not be overlapped by another app window. For example, any window dragged above the permission panel will disable its buttons. So on-screen assistive apps (like screen shades, mouse crosshairs and locators, etc.) should be toggled off until the user choose the permission action.
The easiest way to deal with this issue is to disable the running tool:
  1. To disable it, press the "⌃⌘⌥ S" hotkey or deselect the "Shade" checkbox in the app menu (in the menu bar extras).
  2. Click on the chosen button inside the system notification popup.
  3. Press "⌃⌘⌥ S" again to enable the tool.

myPoint and Apple silicon

myPoint Shade is built as a universal kind and will run natively on both Intel and Apple Silicone computers.
The older versions are intel builds, so they will run under Rosetta on an M1 system.

myPoint, screencapture, full screen, and desktop animations

All versions
The shade is implemented via translucent layers over the desktop and running applications. It doesn't fiddle with the monitor and videocard settings (color temp, gamma, brightness, contrast). Thus we preserve the original settings. So when you disable the shade or quit the app you will get your screen view with the original settings.
However the chosen shade technology has some drawbacks:
  • In screen captures: the image will be dimmed with current shade color. To avoid this effect you should turn off the shade, take the screenshot and turn the shade on again.
  • Shade doesn't work in Dashboard.
  • There is flickering in some screen animations. For example, going full screen in Safari or changing desktops via Ctrl + Number_Keys). These animations are less then a second, but the shade layer is not included so the flickering is fact. Currently you can use Ctrl + arrow_keys or swiping mouse with two fingers when you change desktops.

If myPoint fails to register in the Login Items list

All versions
Deselect the Automatically start option in myPoint panel.
Select the Do not ask option.
Open Launchpad or Applications and click on System preferences icon:
In System Preferences window, click on Users & Groups icon inside System group:
In Users & Groups window, select the preferred user - the current user in common case.
If myPoint application is not listed in Login items, click on the "+" button:
In Select Application window, navigate to Applications and select myPoint:

myPoint and Catalina / Big Sur

The new 1.19 version is build according to the last Apple Privacy Policy. So the app should not require registration in the "Privacy Input Monitoring" list anymore.
v1.1 - 1.17
On a Catalina system an old application must be registered in the "Input Monitoring" list in order to deal with input devices (like keyboard and mouse) while in background. As myPoint monitors some hotkeys all the time it should be registered or it will not work otherwise.
To simplify the process Catalina will ask the user to register such an app. Here is a description of the same case with myPoint. When myPoint is launched for the first time a box with "Keystroke Receiving" title will appear.
  1. Choose the "Open system preferences" button. This will open System preferences - "Security & privacy" panel.
  2. Ensure the Privacy view is selected.
  3. Select the "Input monitoring" item.
  4. Unlock the Lock icon in order to enable the apps list.
  5. Select the checkbox next to myPoint icon.
  6. If myPoint is not already in the list you should click on the "+" button to add it manually.
  7. If myPoint doesn't work - quit and relaunch it. If it doesn't work again - restart the computer.
If the user denies the "Keystroke Receiving" request, Catalina will not ask any more. So the user must register the app manually.
  1. Open System preferences panel and click on the "Security & privacy" button.
  2. In "Security & privacy" panel ensure the Privacy view is selected.
  3. Select the "Input monitoring" item.
  4. Unlock the Lock icon in order to enable the apps list.
  5. Click on the "+" button to show the "Open file" panel. Find and select our app, then click on the Open button.
  6. The app appears in the apps list. Ensure its checkbox is selected.
  7. If myPoint doesn't work - quit and relaunch it. If it doesn't work again - restart the computer.
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