
About Simple Screen Shade

The Shade allows you to adjust the brightness of your monitors - it can dim screens even more than the hardware limit.
This app doesn't fiddle with the monitor's settings - it places translucent layers and dims the view of the desktop and running applications.

Common shade & Per screen shade

The shade is a combination of two components:
  • Common shade - applied to all monitors simultaneously with the same color and level.
  • Per screen shade - different color and level settings for each monitor.

Toggle the shade

The shade can be shown or hidden (On or Off). Just select or deselect the "Shade" checkbox.

Eye Care

The shade will fade-in and fade-out in half a second.

Customizing the shade

Open the preferences panel and select the Shade view.
Shade (a checkbox)
Select it to activate the shade. This option doubles the "Shade" checkbox in the menu.
Restore defaults (a button)
Pressing this button will reset the shade colors and levels to default values.
Common shade - for all monitors
A common shade for all monitors. It will be combined with the Per screen shade.
The value of the shade's density (aka opacity) in percent - from 0% to 90%. Default value is 33%.
The color of the shade. Default is black.
The button will open a panel with some predefined shade colors.
Per screen shade
Per screen shade supports up to four monitors. It will be added to the Common shade.
In this group box, the information is arranged by rows. Each row represents one of the monitors connected to the Mac.
Mirroring monitors will not appear here.
Shade Level (a slider)
The value of the shade's density (aka opacity) in percent - from 0% to 90%. Default value is 0%.
Shade Color (color well)
The color of the shade. Default is black.
Toggle Shade
Hotkey combination to start monitor shading. Default value is ⌃⌥⌘ S.
This hotkey cannot be disabled - it's about safety.
Increase by 5%
Hotkey combination to increase shade level by 5%. Default value is ⌃⌥⌘ Up Arrow.
Decrease by 5%
Hotkey combination to decrease shade level by 5%. Default value is ⌃⌥⌘ Down Arrow.

Shade samples

  • Open the preferences panel and select the Shade view.
  • Click on the Samples button to open the panel with predefined shade colors.
  • Select a radio button to change the shade color.
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